Monday, May 3, 2010

The Eve of Thirty-Five

Is it bad that I'll spend two hours on my day off playing my son's DSi, trying to figure out how to defeat Midbus on Bowser's Inside Story?

Is it okay that I like my riding mower but hate my lawn?

Is it wrong that I know exactly when bowel movements are going to be, and schedule around them?

Is it bad that I don't want to tweet?

Is it wrong that I mentally fist pump when my son laughs at the mean neighbor?

Is it bad that I just want to pinch my daughter's face all the time, even when she says, "Da-AD!!"

Is it wrong to look back at the last 34 years and think that I've done an okay job so far?

Is it wrong that I don't worry about the economy?

Is it an anomaly that I actually feel prepared to one day have "the talk" with my kids?

Am I not normal because I still think my wife is cute?

What is this new feeling of accomplishment I get when I sweep out the garage?

Why do I get the urge to go into Office Depot to just look around?

Or spend time just walking around Lowe's? I don't need to buy anything.

Is it wrong to absolutely HATE the way Abercrombie and Fitch smells up the mall?

Speaking of, what the heck is that cologne called? "Eau de l'Homme en Sueur sans Chemise"?

Just Google Translate it.

Is it bad that I think I can still run around with kids and not be sore the next day?

You tell me. I'm 35 tomorrow...and I'm loving it.


  1. Happy early Birthday, Pastor Adam! I google translated the cologne name, and this is what I got: Water Rights in without Sweat Shirt. I'm sure this is what you meant, it's just over my head lol.

  2. Happy Almost Birthday, hon. Here's to 35 more. :)

    PS I think you're cute too.

  3. Liz:

    I typed in "sweaty man without a shirt" and that's what came up! So weird that translating it BACK would be something different...

  4. Wow, that's not even close! I don't really trust google translate anymore.
