Thursday, May 13, 2010

I Think I Might Be In Love

Is there anyone else out there who loves watching the Special Features on a DVD?

Not just the bloopers, or the outtakes, but the 'Making Of' featurettes, the commentaries, the behind the scenes.

I've been known to watch a movie on our miniDVD player, then go back and watch it again immediately after, with the commentary on. And honestly, it doesn't matter what movie. It could be UP, The Mummy 3, Batman Begins, or Bruce Almighty...I think I might be in love with learning how movies are made.

Case in point, I subjected my wife (bless her heart) to an 18 minute online video of J.J. Abrams talking about LOST, MI:3, his process, and the wonders of a mystery box.


There is one swear word in this video. Don't let your kids watch!


I think I might be in love with the idea of the mystery box.

The speed at which Abrams creates, foresees and adapts, he may as well be Borg. But with style. With mojo, with a step-ahead creativity that sets a standard instead of brashly and poorly copying and regurgitating.


J.J. Abrams is a re-inventor. Which, in my opinion, is better than an inventor, because not only can he invent new things, he can take something that already exists, change it and make it better. He invents new things while using old models, enough to remind us of the old model, but clearly delivers something completely new.

But to be a part of the be in the mix of the creation...THAT'S what trips my trigger. I can't imagine what the actual creation must have been like; a constant stream of color and form and life, all colliding, God expressing His deepest character through His creation.

No wonder He took a break after a while.

I feel as though that place, that open heaven, that what if, land of pretend, use all things necessary, bounce house of creativity is exactly where I need to be. I want to be.

I think I might be in love with bounce houses.

I've said this to many people before, and I'll continue to say it until I get on the other side of it:

I don't want to be the person in line, clamoring for the next big thing. I want to help create the next big thing.

Not for me, or my name, but just to be a part of that process. I look forward to days where I come home and am completely spent mentally because I've been so innovative. I look forward to the day where I can see kids enraptured and learning at what I've helped create. I look forward to days where kids are pointed toward the One who for six days squeezed every ounce of His creativity over a formless void, only to learn that since they were created in His image, they can be just as squeezy.

I'll get there. You watch.

And while you watch, I'm going to watch another DVD Commentary.


  1. You + me = big nerds.

    I actually liked the JJ video too. The way he comes up with characters and conflict and how quickly he talks...I think I might be in love. lol


    OH, and I'm watching. (Are you watching me watching you? Cause that might be kinda creepy.)

  2. Your fave mother-in-lawMay 17, 2010 at 7:06 AM

    And you WILL be there! you definitely have what it takes...although reading about your thought process can be a little scary :) You and that beautiful wife are my favorite nerds!!
